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ARM Cortex 電腦計算平台



  • NXP i.MX8M Plus 4 x 1.8GHz ARM Cortex-A53
  • 16GB eMMC, 4GB LPDDR4
  • 2 x GBE LAN (one w/TSN)
  • 3 x USB 3.1, 1 x USB 2.0, HDMI
  • Wi-Fi and 4G/5G Ready
  • 3 x RS232, 1 x RS422/485, 2 x CAN, 6 x GPIO


  • 資料蒐集
  • 智慧城市
  • 工業物聯網
  • 工業4.0
  • 運動控制與機器人

文件下載,關於 EMP-8MP-20

關於EMB-8MP-20 所有最新的文件,都可以在這裡看到。

檔案格式大小 (KB)最後更新
emb-8mp-20 datasheet
pdf file    EMB-8MP-20傳單
檔案格式大小 (KB)最後更新
txt file  EMB-8MP-20 開機日誌 (Yocto QT5 BSP)txt5409.04.2022
pdf file  EMB-8MP-20 使用手冊 (Rev. 1.0)pdf13,86010.23.2023
關於如何設定、編譯與安裝軟體套件,請到 開發者中心 得到所以相關資訊。
Debian Bullseye(11)請到 建立 NXP/Embedian's Debian Bulleye BSP 套件 (Kernel 5.10.9) 得到所有相關細節。
Yocto 計畫請到 建立 Freescale/Embedian's Yocto BSP 套件 得到所有相關細節。
Android 計畫請到 建立 Freescale/Embedian's Android BSP 套件 得到所有相關細節。
建議您開發前先讀我們 問答集
To download the source codes, please go to Embedian' Git Server Reposotory for the most update source tree.
Bootloader: U-Boot
Clone the U-Boot source code from Embedian Git Server.
$ git clone
$ cd smarc-t335x-uboot
$ git checkout v2014.04-smarct33

Linux Kernel
For 3.2 (Stable, LTS release):
$ git clone
$ cd linux-smarc-t335x-v3.2
$ git checkout v3.2_SMARCT335xPSP_04.06.00.11

For 3.12.y (Stable, Device Tree, LTS release):
$ git clone
$ cd smarc-ti-linux-kernel
$ git checkout smarc-ti-linux-3.12.y

User can also download the source codes archive from Embedian' FTP site below.
File (U-Boot v2014.04 + Linux Kernel v3.2 and v3.12.y)格式Size (KB)Update
tar.gz file  U-Boot v2014.04 Source Code (for SMARCT335X rev.00B0)tar.gz150,66404.23.2014
tar.gz file  Kernel v3.2 Source Codetar.gz715,74504.17.2014
tar.gz file  Kernel v3.12.y Source Codetar.gz997,13608.27.2014

Binary (U-Boot v2014.04 + Linux Kernel v3.2)格式Size (KB)Update
binary file  MLO (partition 1, vfat)binary7804.23.2014
binary file  u-boot.img (partition 1, vfat)binary33304.23.2014
text file  uEnv.txt (partition 1, vfat)txt1.904.23.2014
binary file  zImage (partition 1, vfat)binary3,28804.21.2014
tar.gz file  Arago SDK6 root file system (partition 2, ext4)tar.gz258,75103.20.2014
tar.gz file  Arago SDK7 root file system (partition 2, ext4)tar.gz330,31308.27.2014
tar.gz file  ubuntu 12.04 LTS root file system(partition 2, ext4)tar.gz226,81611.11.2013

Binary (U-Boot v2014.04 + Linux Kernel v3.12.y)格式Size (KB)Update
binary file  MLO (partition 1, vfat)binary7804.23.2014
binary file  u-boot.img (partition 1, vfat)binary33304.23.2014
text file  uEnv.txt (partition 1, vfat)txt1.908.27.2014
binary file  zImage (partition 1, vfat)binary4,46708.27.2014
binary file  device tree binary (partition 1, vfat)binary3808.27.2014
tar.gz file  Arago SDK7 root file system (partition 2, ext4)tar.gz330,31308.27.2014
tar.gz file  ubuntu 12.04 LTS root file system(partition 2, ext4)tar.gz226,81611.11.2013

File (U-Boot v2013.10)格式Size (KB)Update
tar.gz file  Hardware rev.00B0 U-Boot v2013.10 Source Codetar.gz159,54604.17.2014

Binary (U-Boot v2013.10)格式Size (KB)Update
binary file  MLO (partition 1, vfat)binary10004.17.2014
binary file  u-boot.img (partition 1, vfat)binary30604.17.2014
text file  uEnv.txt (partition 1, vfat)txt0.304.17.2014

For older (rev.00A0) hardware revision, source code can be downloaded as follows.
File (U-Boot v2013.10 + Linux Kernel v3.2 for rev. 00A0 SMARC T335X)格式Size (KB)Update
tar.gz file  U-Boot v2013.10 Source Codetar.gz81,83003.20.2014
tar.gz file  Kernel v3.2 Source Codetar.gz716,39203.20.2014

Binary (U-Boot v2013.10 + Linux Kernel v3.2 for rev. 00A0 SMARC T335X)格式Size (KB)Update
binary file  MLO (partition 1, vfat)binary10003.20.2014
binary file  u-boot.img (partition 1, vfat)binary30603.20.2014
text file  uEnv.txt (partition 1, vfat)txt0.303.20.2014
binary file  zImage (partition 1, vfat)binary3,28303.20.2014
tar.gz file  Arago SDK6 root file system (partition 2, ext4)tar.gz242,18203.20.2014
tar.gz file  ubuntu 12.04 LTS root file system(partition 2, ext4)tar.gz226,81611.11.2013